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4 Ways to Encourage Women in Recruitment

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

The recruitment industry has seen a dramatic shift in mindset in regard to gender equality. However, that’s not to say there isn’t still a long way to go.

In celebration of International women’s day, UMATR is taking time to reflect how our industry can encourage more women into careers in recruitment.

There are many reasons why companies should hire women, other than on the basis of diversity. This links to many successful statistics including the fact that employees who work for a female manager are six times more engaged in their work. Similarly, the benefits vary from producing better team-work through constructive communication, contributing to increased productivity levels, and using their nurturing side to manage people.

With that being said, we share 4 ways to encourage women to your workplace:

1. Promote your current female employees, and any female in position of power 💪🏼

When women are represented in the company, other women who are interested will notice. Most women appreciate having other female colleagues and having female mentors. This is not to say there shouldn’t be a balance. By ensuring a balance in female to male mentors in a more senior position at your company it will make the candidates feel less intimidated.

2. Make your jobs more appealing and inclusive to women ⭐

Without saying, this is an essential step. Companies should ask current female employees for feedback on how the company can improve. This can be done through surveys, questionnaires, or even considering the answers in the exit interview. Having their perspective will help to understand what would appeal to more females. Acting upon feedback will reflect in the company’s culture, and would again attract more females.

3. Advertise where women look 🔍

There are several options to do that, like in women-only groups, or job fairs and job boards in girls’ only schools. That way you won’t exclude men as they still apply through your usual advertisement, but it will encourage more women to apply. Seeing jobs advertised in women-only groups/schools will comfort women that it’s a place they are welcomed in.

4. Ensure the workplace is female-friendly, especially its benefits 👫

Making sure your company is suited to female workers is very much necessary. After all, it will not only make them feel encouraged while looking through your job description but it will show your full support making the hiring process easier. When deciding on the company benefits, ask yourself - Do you have a maternity-leave policy? Is there an option to work from home, if possible? Are you open to changes?

If not, make sure to add them.

When it comes to hearing about new career opportunities, women are just as interested as men. It is the companies’ part to encourage women to apply through culture and benefits.

At UMATR, we encourage diversity in the workplace, and work with tech companies that share the same values as us. We’re happy to say that we’ve placed several female software engineers across many companies, and we continue to do so.

Are you a female engineer looking for a new Scala role, or a tech company looking for talent? Get in touch with and work with us today. At UMATR, as tech recruiters, we are committed to helping you find your dream role, or finding your ideal talent Because You Matter. 💙

#BecauseUMATR 💙💫



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