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How To Prepare for a Scala Job Interview

1. Go over the Scala Theory and revise popular libraries

Begin your preparation by familiarising yourself with the basic constructs and syntax of Scala, such as data types, variables, conditionals, loops, functions, and classes. Review the concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming (FP). Ensure you have a good understanding of type inference, pattern matching, traits, case classes, and the differences between the val and var keywords.

Knowledge of widely-used Scala tools and frameworks showcases your ability to integrate Scala into a broader technology stack, so it’s best to familiarise yourself with popular Scala frameworks and libraries such as Akka, Play, and Cats.

If you have experience building projects using any of these frameworks, make sure to illustrate your experience during the interview. Learn how the Scala ecosystem interacts with other JVM languages and technologies, such as Java or the Java-based Apache Spark.

2. Master advanced Scala concepts

To stand out from other candidates, you should have a strong grasp of advanced Scala features and best practices.

Delve into advanced topics, such as implicits, type classes, monads, and for-comprehensions. Additionally, familiarize yourself with Scala’s powerful collections library and learn the appropriate use of different data structures like Lists, Maps, Sets, and Options.

Lastly, explore important functional programming concepts like higher-order functions, currying, and partial functions.

3. Check Scala Interview questions

It would be a smart thing to get familiar with the most common questions asked during the Scala Interview. Perhaps you interviewed for a Scala Job before, and you notice a common occurrence of a question. Alternatively, check here for some.

4. Practice solving real problems

You might want to check hacker rank or leet code for some coding practice. On there you can find many algorithmic puzzles and riddles that might be solved in Scala. It will boost your coding skills and definitely will be helpful while doing live coding at your Scala interview. Practice makes perfect, remember that!

5. Discuss your prep with the recruiter

A recruiter is often the best person to ask what preparation you should do. They work closely with the company and should understand the process like the back of their hand! So, don’t be afraid to ask what kind of question you might be asked during the technical part of your interview. This should give you some idea of what you should revise before the interview.

6. Do a mock interview

Often missed, but mock interviews are the best practice and can be deemed as super helpful. Ask someone from your network, maybe even a more experienced devs or your colleagues, if they could help you in preparation by doing a mock interview. It will not be comfortable for you, but that's what it is all about. You have to feel stress, you have to feel uncomfortable because you will talk to other dev during the interview. It is also a good idea to practice coding task during a mock interview.

7. Research the company

You’d be surprised how important understanding the company’s values and culture is. It gives the interviewee a good impression from the start, and lets them assess how good of a cultural fit you would be too! Be prepared to answer common behavioural and situational interview questions, such as discussing your previous experiences, teamwork, and problem-solving techniques.

Good luck! Remember, it is totally normal not to pass the first interview but it is a skill like any other and you can learn that. It may take some time before you will get your first Scala offer.

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